Eastmans Archeological DiscoveriesI'm making a whole New website at eastmanarchaeology.com I perform remote worldwide exploration, searching for new archeological locations. The new locations are documented using photos and GPS coordinates.

The images shown are in 8K resolution. They are best viewed on high-definition monitors.

To magnify the image. Choose an Album to view. Click on an image to open it, then click on the square icon on the upper right and choose a size. For the largest size, choose "original." FYI, I am not affiliated with snake worship and wouldn't say I like snakes.

Home / Norway 7

I found a vast area of ancient ruins in Norway. The area might be a burial or religious site. I see lots of symbolism in the placement of stones in some areas. The total area is approximately 5 kilometers square. I'll explore this area for the next couple of days and if I get anything worthwhile I'll post more images.